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Pure Shift

An Introduction to Pure Shift NMR.

Pure shift NMR has developed considerably since the initial concept was proposed several decades ago. Newer experiments like PSYCHE are robust and easy enough for routine use and provide improved sensitivity. JEOL Delta software provides a comprehensive suite of 1D and 2D pure shift experiments that can be set up and run easily and provide high-quality pure shift spectra.

Download this report today to learn about:

  • Brief History of Pure Shift
  • Current Pure Shift Approaches
  • Zangger-Sterk Experiment
  • Optimizing Slice-Selective Excitation
  • HOBS experiment

About the Authors

Author: Paul Bowyer, PhD

Paul obtained his PhD at the University of Manchester in the lab of Prof. Gareth Morris, where he focused on improving NMR data quality, from developments to NMR hardware, through novel data acquisition schemes, to new and improved data processing techniques.  After a number of years at Varian and Magritek, he joined JEOL UK last year.

Author: Ron Crouch

After obtaining his degree from Elon University Ron joined Burroughs Welcome Pharmaceuticals where he had the great pleasure to work with Nobel Prize winner Gertrude Elion and many other world-class scientists. He recently joined JEOL USA and has been having great fun continuing to pursue NMR and learn in a very in-depth manner.

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