Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is a rapidly developing technique that continues to expand the range of samples and applications that can be studied by contemporary NMR spectroscopy. In this webinar, we will provide a concise introduction to solid-state NMR, outlining its basic principles and the hardware required to perform experiments on solid samples. Throughout the webinar, we will focus on key applications of solid-state NMR to chemistry, biology, material research and pharmaceutical sciences.
Presenter: Michal Malon, NMR Applications Chemist, JEOL (U.K.) LTD.
Michal was awarded a PhD degree from Palacky University Olomouc, the Czech Republic, for his work on the synthesis, characterization and biological activity of transition metal complexes. Then he worked with Dr. Hiroyuki Koshino on the development of triple-resonance NMR experiments at natural abundance and the structure elucidation of natural products. He also worked with Prof. Shigeki Kuroki on developing carbon alloy catalysts for fuel cells at Tokyo Institute of Technology.
In 2009, Michal joined JEOL Group. He worked as an NMR application specialist and NMR sales promotion assistant manager in Tokyo for 10 years. Since February 2019, Michal has been working as an NMR applications chemist at JEOL UK.