The Analytical Landscape of Cannabis Testing - Pesticides by GC-MS/MS

Showing applications of the JMS-TQ4000GC (Triple Quad GC-MS/MS)

Cannabis pesticide testing is challenging due to the variety of pesticides analyzed, low level detection expectations and the challenging matrix that cannabis and cannabis-infused products often present. In this webinar, Dr. Dhandapani will be presenting advances in GC manufacturing technology that can help to solve separation challenges such as analyte breakdown, peak shape, sensitivity and column bleed issues in pesticide analysis.

Dr. Kirk Jensen will present on the capabilities of the JMS-TQ4000GC triple-quadrupole GC-MS/MS and the patented short collision cell technology contained therein, followed by its performance for testing cannabis samples for pesticide content. Sample workflow, instrument parameters, and results from sample testing will also be covered.

Attend this webinar to: 

  • Gain insight into pesticide analysis of cannabis flower using triple-quad GC-MS/MS
  • Discover the capabilities of the JMS-TQ4000GC and how it could complement your lab
  • Learn about Phenomenex GC consumables suitable for analysis of cannabis samples

About the Presenters

  • Presenter: Kirk R. Jensen, Ph.D.
    • Applications Chemist, JEOL USA, Inc


  • Ramkumar Dhandapani Ph.D
    • Global Product Manager - Gas Chromatogaphy, Phenomenex 

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